Your Home as a Reflection of Yourself
When you walk a friend around your home you want them to be amazed at what you have done with the space, intrigued by how you have created special places. Make your home an investment in allowing yourself to be your best, so that whether you are home with your family or out there in the world, doing whatever you do, you do it from a place of replenishment and strength.
Create and then protect your environment so that it nurtures and supports you in being truly yourself. Do whatever is necessary in terms of decoration, ornaments, attractive features, views, artwork, etc, to make the place a special one which will lift and inspire you.
If you need candles and music to relax, then don't delay in buying them and bring them home. But only bring home the ones that give you what you need.
If you feel better writing to friends on good quality traditional stationery instead of knocking out a quick email, then visit a stationery store, select a pen that you love and develop a special place for your writing and correspondence. This is a part of who you are and reflects a way that you can express yourself. Shortcuts are most often the ones that get you lost!
Likewise if you want to have the company of friends around for a special celebration of who you are and why they are important to you, then book a date in the diary and get the invites out!
On the down side of having your home as a reflection of yourself, are there any hidden - or plainly obvious - messages around the property that stare back at you? I am thinking of the clutter, rubbish, junk and other mess that you have allowed to accumulate about the place.
Try these areas to find things that may have seen their best times:
- Your wardrobe
- Your desk
- Wherever you keep your personal financial statements
- Your garage
- The attic or loft, perhaps the cupboard under the stairs
You will find things you thought you had lost and even more things you wish you had lost! Throw away those items that have no function, don't fit, have little value, and which you might never use again. If you insist on getting something in return then take it all to a car-boot sale, place small ads in your local paper, or get yourself an account with an online auction website and get some money for it.
A client told me of how she had finally thrown away the historic credit card bills of when she had been horribly in debt and which she had held onto as a sign of the troubles she had overcome. Yet, by refusing to throw these away for years, she had actually been reinforcing the feelings of debt, owing people, and agonizing about uncertain income. Within a few short months of throwing this negative junk she began to enjoy stronger and more regular income, for the first time in years.
What is the approach to your home like for yourself and those who visit you? This is so important given that if you work outside the house, it is the last impression when you leave and the first you see when you return at the end of the day. How does your pathway welcome you? What about the windows of your home?
Does the entrance reflect clarity and order, or chaos and uncertainty?
Are the images you hang on your walls ones that lift and motivate you or do you hang onto inherited items you don't want, but were afraid to give away?
Does the first room of the house fill you with positive images or drag you down mentally?
Let go of the rubbish, the clutter and the junk and make a space for more and better things to come into your life. Life will amaze you!