Leave Others Be
Ever notice that people do stupid things that seem to hurt and upset you? Do you honestly think they really do all the dumb, crazy and stupid things they do, just to get you upset? Get real! They probably don't even know half the time that you are even aware of their own stuff. Do you really think that you can change them or their behavior unless they want to make the changes for themselves?
It might not be that someone is doing anything at all with a connection intended or otherwise of causing you upset. Years ago when I was broken-hearted that a girl had not noticed me, let alone done anything to encourage me to spend time with her, my friend Glenn put it perfectly.
"While you are sitting around at home and moping, she's out dancing."
He was right! In that instance I did not even figure in her thinking and yet I was reacting to nothing and imagining the worst of everything. Who was suffering in all of this ridiculous one sided 'pity-party' way of thinking? Only me!
What good is it doing you to hang onto critical thinking about other people? How much energy are you using up in holding negative and hurtful or painful thoughts about someone? Someone might actually be a jerk. Is it going to have much impact on your life? Not unless you choose to let it. Let them go. Free up some space in your mind and your heart for other better things to come in. You do want something better, don't you?
Other people's stuff is just that, it is theirs. It is not yours. One of the quickest ways for you to get yourself stressed out is to judge that:
a) what someone else does or how they lead their life is wrong, and
b) that it is your mission to either do something about it or to be affected by it.
Likewise, if you have found yourself imposing pain and upset on others and are aware of doing it, then stop now.
What right do you have to create this pain and hassle on them?
Closer to home, what good is it doing you anyway? What is the payback or benefit you get from wasting your energy this way?
I doubt you will see a single benefit worth holding out for and suggest you look in the mirror and let go of this behavior. Immediately.
You might just end up being happier and less stressed! That's what you can call a result!