Personal Effectiveness
You have just one life and this comprises thousands of single days.
How you use your time is something written about in a hundred books. Lots of people are efficient at "time management" but dreadfully ineffective personally. Time management is not the answer.
You need to decide what you are looking to do each day and have a plan for this the night before. Make a simple list of the things ahead of you. This is easy enough. Then prioritize them according to your values and what is important to you. It is this step that takes the thoughtfulness, but which then gives you a list of tasks and activities that will make you effective in a powerful way.
Effectiveness means cutting through the everyday "stuff" that turns up in your diary and in-box, and getting on with what matters to you and what will really make a difference for you.
My friend and neighbour Simon is a complete wizard at dealing with paperwork and email. I once invited him over to the house to help me take back control of my desk. Not only did we go through a tonne of papers, files, letters, magazines, articles, bills, and emails, but we threw so much of it away that I was amazed.
We did the same with the contents of my filing cabinets and ended up getting money in for the office furniture and storage that was no longer needed. I had been hanging on to information in case I might one day need it. I was rather scared at throwing out all this "stuff" I had accumulated. Guess what he said to me?
"If it was really important, the people who sent it can let you have another version and most of them could even send it to you electronically and do away with the mass of paper."
What you will be doing from this moment on is a result of choosing where you focus your attention. I dislike the phrase "attention management" and suggest instead you just get on with it.
Rather than being driven by the time-bound calendar approach consider assessing what needs to be done on the basis of your values, your choices, and the things that make your life the exciting journey it is for you.
Measure your effectiveness by whether you are moving forward with the projects of importance to you. Everything else can go.