Receiving Money
Money will come to you to the extent that you offer a service that is of value. Of course, you could marry money, inherit money or even win it on the lottery, but the reality is that either one of those methods involves you in some processes you might either feel sorry for or sad about later!
The greater the value you offer, the greater the inflow of money. If you ever find yourself thinking you are earning less money than you are worth, then you need to look at your contribution to service. When people know that you offer something of value, they will turn up in droves to hand over their money.
Receiving money can be as simple as asking for it in the first place! When was the last time you actually stopped racing around and said aloud "I need more money and welcome it now" instead of simply spending hours worrying about the lack of money you were experiencing at the time?
For whatever reason, it is very easy to push away money in the same way and for often the same reasons that we push away so much of the goodness and the riches that life has to offer us. One reason we reject it is because we are unable to receive with ease and without guilt. So the more time you can put into receiving with pleasure and to saying 'thank you' for all the abundance that the Universe has to offer you, the more likely it is that you will start to notice some great things turning up in your life.
Being able to receive is crucial to your earning money for you will turn opportunities away until you can receive without concern or without worry. Simply receive in the moment.
If you are experiencing lack of inflow and plenty of outflow, you need to reverse the trend. The easiest and simplest way is for you to review and reflect upon the value of the work you do, and the people you deliver it to.
- What skills can you offer? How about a level of service, support or problem solving?
- What are you good at naturally that your friends and co-workers often express surprise about or ask for your help with?
- Do a skills audit of your abilities and talents, of those of your friends and family.
- Look at the amount of money that these skills and talents can be worth in the right market place. Notice that I said "the RIGHT market place." Having the right talents applied to the wrong market, to the wrong audience group, or to the wrong potential client, will have no value as you will have missed the mark.
Get creative over your ability to earn and to attract money into your experience. Start with something simple and develop from this level upwards. Take an example such as manifesting or attracting to you a cup of coffee or a big smile from someone on the street. Once you have managed this and proven to yourself how easy it can be to receive what you put out for, then you can move onto bigger and better things and situations.
Just the same is true for money. You might begin with saying to yourself "I am attracting the funds needed to pay for my car maintenance" and then let go of any attachment to the outcome. All manner of things could happen to get you the desired end result of having the car maintenance bill settled. It could be that someone gives you the money as a gift, or you receive a tax credit for a matching amount of money, or maybe you find a windfall to the same amount. What matters is that you ask for the result and let the money make its own way to you.
To attract money from your job or a small business that you choose to set up and run, first decide what service you will offer and then commit to delivering that service. Invest time and energy in identifying the buyers for your skills, services, products and talents. Make it your business to be in business with these buyers.
In the context of your job, invest your energies in becoming a valuable resource for the business that employs you.
Learn more about your niche, develop your skills in such a way as to make you more important to the success of the company. This might be through online learning, attending in-house training events, or simply through getting involved within your local business community.
As your work related learning and abilities grow, it is very likely that this will be matched with greater opportunities and benefits that can be measured in terms of reward and money.
When this happens be ready for it, and make sure that you take those rewards to the bank!