Stop With The Pity Party!
Debt can do terrible things to your self-esteem, to your sense of purpose about what you can and should do. How you mentally and emotionally approach the debt you have is something you need to be careful about. I know that when I was at my lowest emotional state I had let my debts get the better of me. I was making the false assumption that I was my debts and that my debts were me, that I was not separate from them. Debts are just money recorded in a certain way. No more than this. But in my head I had resorted to 'stinking thinking' and was hurting myself and those around me by my terrible and destructive attitude.
For a couple of years this was plain to see for anyone who was foolish enough to talk with me. All they got for their support and gentle encouragement was an ear bashing about the unfairness of life. How low I sank while my focus was on a personal pity-party! But this is why I can say nowadays that you must take the time to see quite how much you already have in your life that is good and positive. Put your focus on whatever gives you real insight into who you are and what is precious and special and important for you.
You have people in your life who are quite capable of telling you how off-track you have been, if you will just let them. Such negative influence does you no good and you can get rid of these influences completely, or begin to limit the time you send in such company through being aware that your diary is your own. Don't let your debt anxiety and money worry overload get in the way of you maintaining and nurturing those relationships with your friends.
Take a moment right now to acknowledge what you have got. This can be something that you write down as a list or can be a process that you simply think through, picturing in your mind all the good that you already have around you. I believe the actual process of writing this down is more powerful than simply thinking it through, because you involve several more sense if you are having to think, to feel, to touch and to see what you write out.
Take a walk around your home and see what you have in your space. Pick up objects that have real significance to you. This could be a photo of an occasion, a book that helped you, a film which moved you, a toy from childhood, or perhaps a piece of furniture with real memories. Count your blessings and realize how much you have going for you. Be grateful for what you have and do not be surprised for the additional good that makes its way into your life. Let go of the stupid and pointless Pity Party. Just be you.