When your heart is pounding with fear and your own sense of well-being is shot through with recent concerns, worries and disappointments, you have to a call a "Time Out!" If you find yourself ground down towards a physical and mental halt, then you have to say aloud that "Enough is enough!" and really mean it.
If you are not there for yourself then who else are you truly able to be there for?
When you find yourself sinking into the mire how can you possibly expect to be a firm foundation or a bedrock for someone who might need you and your support?
You have to stop doing what is no longer working for you. Say "no" to those activities or actions that drain and exhaust you. Stop associating with the people who draw the life force from you. If this sounds drastic, please face the alternative - allowing things to get worse and with your permission and agreement!
Think about those activities, social gatherings and relationships that literally 'take it out' of you. The 'it' is the energy, vibrancy, color, warmth and personality that is the true you. If you engage in activities that affect you less than positively you need to rethink your involvement in them.
And guess what? As you withdraw from such non-beneficial or even destructive things, you will feel stronger, enjoy more time for you, re-charge your life battery and see your circumstances reframed anew.
The more you do this for yourself, the sooner you will see a shift in what happens around you. Call a halt to the activities, interruptions, time wasters and resource drainers that serve you not at all. Strike them out of your diary and from your schedule wherever possible, replacing them with time for yourself, for your passions, your own sense of living your life on purpose.
Listen to your own inner mind, to the wisdom that is always close at hand for you. Ask your inner guide for assistance in finding the access to what is right for you. In a place of calm within you, step to the sounds and colors that attract you, nourishing you in this time of quiet.
This is your life and you can hold the reins and step towards your greatness. No need to apologize, to explain unless you want to, or to feel that you should give up any more of who you are. Make today your day and only allow into it those things that lift you and strengthen you.